Android-How to Setup Firebase Database Connect to Android Project

Sovary May 8, 2022 2.39K
1 minute read

To implement Android project with Firebase we have to do some configuration at first. We have some different ways to implement with or without Android Studio.

Let's go to Firebase Console Firebase Console, but make sure you logged google account ready and you will see as below image.

Step 1: Create new project ( Add Project )

Step 2: Input your project name FireApp then click Continue button.

Step 3: You would see Google Analytics page which allows you to track the activity of your project, so turn on Enable Google Analytics for this project then hit Continue

Step 4: We have to choose a Google Analytics Account. We can choose the default or create a new one then hit Create Project. It will take a couples seconds to create your project.

Create project procession, calm down and wait a few seconds

Step 5: The list of platforms will list on dashboard. Let's choose Android by click on Android Icon.

Step 6: You will see another register screen that is required to fill in with your Android Package, App name and we can leave the optional input box.

Step 7: To find your Android package name let's go to your Android Project -> Gradle Scripts -> build.gradle(Module: app). At applicationId you may see kind of pattern "com.packagename.projectname". You have to copy that and paste and follow in Step 6 then hit Register App button.

Step 8: You will allow to download google-services.json file which is Firebase configuration file. You have to copy the file and place it into your Android Project.

Step 9: In Android Studio, switch your Android View to Project View. Navigate to FireTest -> app then paste the file into that. Now you successfully added the Firebase configuration file.

Please watch the below video for more understanding about configuring Firebase in Android Project


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