Python - Check If a String Starts With Specific Letter

Sovary May 28, 2022 1.27K
2 minutes read

Today we will learn how to check if there is a string start with specific letter or word. We will use startswith() function on a string. This built-in function will return value as booleean, true as the result is confirm start with the given value, otherwise false. This short tutorial we given example Below examples would help guide you to approch the result.

startswith() -  checks if a string starts with a specified substring.


str.startswith(prefix, start_index, end_index): boolean

Return Value: Returns boolean. True if str start with specific prefix if not return False.

To understand more clearly, I will explain about index value. In every programming languages, characters in a string have own index value. The index always start with 0 (Zero) located where character is in string. Let's see example below:

String E a t   C a k e
Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

You can see example above letter E is in index 0 and all index are 7 but if count as string length there are 8 characters.


Parameters Type Description
prefix String , Tuple (Required) String or Tuple data to be check with str
start_pos Integer (Optional) Start index to be check string with prefix
end_pos Integer (Optional) End index to be check string with prefix




Example #1 - Using startswith() with String without optional parameters

text = "learn python at cambotutorial"
bool = text.startswith("lea")



Example #2 - Using startswith() with Tuple without optional parameters

Using parameter as Tuple value.

text = "learn python at cambotutorial"
bool = text.startswith(("tool","lea"))



It's return true because one of tuple value is match.

Example #3 - Using startswith() with optional parameters

text = "learn python at cambotutorial"
# find is text start with lea by start from index 1 "earn python at cambotutorial"
bool = text.startswith("lea",1)



It's return false because start from index 1 till end of index which is "earn python at cambotutorial"  not start with lea



Example #4 - Using startswith() with optional parameters

text = "learn python at cambotutorial"
# find is text start with lea by start from index 0 "lear"
bool = text.startswith("lea",0,4)



It's return true because start from index 0 until index 4 which is "learn"  start with lea


Hope you will learn with this article, if want to check string end with specific letter, I have wrote an article using endswith() in Python.

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