List All Files from Directory and Subdirectory in Python Example

Sovary October 13, 2022 531
1 minute read

This tutorial demonstrates getting all files from a directory with a Python code example. For someone looking for how to list all files from a directory in Python this is correct place to see with short example. You will understand how to show all files in a directory with Python programming. The given example below of how to get list all files from folder directory in Python. So let's see below sample example in Python getting all files in sub-directory with sample output.

Example #1 - List of All Files in Directory

The below code to list all files in current directory without recursively in sub-directory.

Create file

import os, glob

files = glob.glob('folder/*.*')

Output #1

['folder/my_noted.txt', 'folder/meme.jpeg', 'folder/tutorial.docx']

Example #2 - List All Files in Sub-Directory Recursively

Suppose we have directory named "folder"  and in that directory have files and other directories as well, in this case we will recursivly walkthrought all subdirectories to find all files.

Create file

from os import walk
# root folder path
path = 'folder'
# list to store files name
files = []
for (path, dirName, fileName) in walk(path):

print(files )

Output #2

['my_noted.txt', 'meme.jpeg', 'tutorial.docx', 'demo.png']

Hope you can understand and know how to get list file in directories. Have a nice day!!

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